Top Tax Rates Match Closely With
Lowest Unemployment Rates
Compare the top tax rate in the first chart for any given year with the unemployment rate in the second chart for that year. This is rough, still a work in progress, but this information needs to be diseminated. This is PROOF that our economy was at it's stongest when we had high top tax rates.
Then throw in the statistics on income disparity between the labor class and the wealthy through the years, in the last chart.
Taken together, these three charts show a clear path to ending this recession: Return to the higher marginal tax rates of the pre-Reagan years. But that's only a beginning. More must be done. People must be put back to work in jobs that pay living wages. People need incomes that are big enough to not only pay for their necessary living expenses, i.e., food, shelter, clothing, and health care, but also allow them money to spend on non-essentials. You know, things like going out to dinner and a show, or buying gifts for the husband/wife and kids. Why? Because these things, taken as a whole, are the fuel that run a robust economy.
Not more tax cuts for the rich. They don't need them. They still had plenty of income back with those higher tax rates.
Not deregulating industry. Regulation is needed to protect our environment and our health and safety. More is needed, clearly, to keep greedy multinationals and their wealthy CEO's/CFO's and stockholders from shipping more of those jobs overseas in order to enhance their own incomes.
And for sure, not outsourcing (off-shoring) our labor! That last item has done more damage to the economy than any other single thing.

Annual average unemployment rate, civilian labor force 16 years and over (percent) Source:
%Annual | |
1948 | 3.8 |
1949 | 5.9 |
1950 | 5.3 |
1951 | 3.3 |
1952 | 3.0 |
1953 | 2.9 |
1954 | 5.5 |
1955 | 4.4 |
1956 | 4.1 |
1957 | 4.3 |
1958 | 6.8 |
1959 | 5.5 |
1960 | 5.5 |
1961 | 6.7 |
1962 | 5.5 |
1963 | 5.7 |
1964 | 5.2 |
1965 | 4.5 |
1966 | 3.8 |
1967 | 3.8 |
1968 | 3.6 |
1969 | 3.5 |
1970 | 4.9 |
1971 | 5.9 |
1972 | 5.6 |
1973 | 4.9 |
1974 | 5.6 |
1975 | 8.5 |
1976 | 7.7 |
1977 | 7.1 |
1978 | 6.1 |
1979 | 5.8 |
1980 | 7.1 |
1981 | 7.6 |
1982 | 9.7 |
1983 | 9.6 |
1984 | 7.5 |
1985 | 7.2 |
1986 | 7.0 |
1987 | 6.2 |
1988 | 5.5 |
1989 | 5.3 |
1990 | 5.6 |
1991 | 6.8 |
1992 | 7.5 |
1993 | 6.9 |
1994 | 6.1 |
1995 | 5.6 |
1996 | 5.4 |
1997 | 4.9 |
1998 | 4.5 |
1999 | 4.2 |
2000 | 4.0 |
2001 | 4.7 |
2002 | 5.8 |
2003 | 6.0 |
2004 | 5.5 |
2005 | 5.1 |
2006 | 4.6 |
2007 | 4.6 |
2008 | 5.8 |
2009 | 9.3 |
2010 | 9.6 |
2011 | 8.9 |