Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Why be angry?

What angers you?  Whatever it is, why does it anger you?  More importantly, why do you allow it to anger you? 
Anger is a choice, like every other emotion, especially the destructive ones.  You can rise above it, but only by recognizing the root cause: your own choice.  And once you recognize that truth, you can take steps to first minimize it, then eliminate it from your being.

Anger does nothing constructive; it rips apart your essential humanity, and has no effect on that which you are choosing to be angry at.  Why, then, do you indulge it?  For that is what it is, an indulgence, a giving in to the beast nature of your physical form, your animal body. 
And your actions, when based on that anger, or any other destructive emotion, affect you not only in the here-and-now, but also in your future.  It has been proven that what you do, for good or ill, comes back to you, often multiplied many times.  This is called Karma, and is a basic Truth of existence.  As Einstein put it, "to every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction."  Or as the Christian Bible, the Islamic Qu'ran, the Hindu Vedas, and the Jewish Torah say, "as you sow, so shall you reap."

On the Karmic level, your actions and attitudes and emotional state affect only you. They have no effect on the karma of anyone else.  So why bother with anger or any other destructive emotion?  You're only hurting yourself, and will have to face the situation over and over again, until you learn the lesson it brings.

On the other hand, the constructive actions, attitudes and emotions, will bring rewards in the same measure that the destructive ones bring troubles.  That is the Law, the Cosmic Principle.

My Teacher, Dr. David M. Berry, often quotes a verse from that Bible: "Behold, I set before you this day, Good and Evil: Choose ye."  I would say that you have before you Constructive and Destructive behaviors and attitudes: Make your choice, but know that whatever you choose, it will come back to you.  Multiplied.


© 2013 Donald C. Rice Jr.

1 comment:

  1. Great sharing don, let me please explain to you through my experience it has been proven to me that anger is NOT destructive. It is a strong energy that can be used to motivate and move, if the receiver will accept it thus. It has been misunderstood as with most energies by ignorant though well meaning humans. That is the great deception used by the dark forces to have us accept and believe that we are choosing...we are not qualified for that. Our greatest challenge is to Loose, Let Go and Let God.
    By doing so we allow God to use all energies towards our Inner attainment.
    May the Cosmic God increase your constructive and harmonious endeavors.
    Love and Harmony
    Your sister in truth
