Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Is President Obama Muslim? Does it matter?

There's a video on Youtube that's being passed around claiming that President Obama "admits" that he's a Muslim.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Yet many people on the political right seem to accept that as truth and fact.  So I watched that video, and broke it down into it's separate "talking points".  And, as the song says, I've saved the best (and most important) for last, as it's the icing on the cake on this topic.


The video's claims are highlighted, and my response follows each one.

"Many other Americans have Muslims in their families, or have lived in a Muslim majority country.  I know because I am one of them."

Simple enough.  He has Muslims in his family, and he has lived in Muslim majority countries.

"John McCain hasn't talked about my Muslim faith..."

Again, simple enough if you look at the entire interview, or even take that part of the interiew in context, which the snippet in the video you posted doesn't.  The reference to his Muslim faith was a slip of the tongue that was corrected almost immediately.


"He recites the Muslim call to prayer in a perfect Arabic accent..."

I've known people who could speak languages other than their own perfectly. Even if it's true, this is evidence only that he has a facility with languages.

"He went on to say that the Muslim call to prayer was 'the prettiest sound on earth.'"

Subjective, but it is a very lovely sound, unless you have an ax to grind on anything related to Islam.  Then it only proves your own narrow-mindedness.

"Obama quotes from the Koran"

It's funny how the recording is cut off for each instance, as though the editor doesn't want people to know what the Koran says.  Chances are it's something very much like what the Bible says.  There is a lot in there that is very much like the Bible.  So how do we know that he wasn't quoting those partss, to emphasize our likenesses rather than our difference?  Because in reality, we are more alike than we are different.

"Obama praises and glorifies Islam"

Glorifies?  Not hardly.  For the most part, he's only talking about the actual history of Islam.  And the part where he's speaking to Iran is the same, with perhaps a bit of buttering-up to remind them of that history of accomplishment.

"Obama defends Islam"

Not defending Islam, but upholding American Muslim's right to their faith, along with a very apt and valid comment on religious bigotry, and a pledge to fight against narrow stereotypes.

"Obama declares America to be a Muslim nation"

No, he didn't.  He spoke briefly on the concept that Islam has always been a part of the American story (perhapsa bit of exageration there, but I think not), that if Americans who were muslim were the only ones counted, THEN (emphasis mine) America would be the largest Muslim country.

"Obama bowed to a Muslim king"

Gee, how does that compare to when G.W. Bush held hands with and kissed a Saudi king?  It's the CUSTOM in that country.  It comes under the heading of "When in Rome..."


"Obama in traditional Muslim dress"

Again, simple.  Paying respect to the leader of another coutry.  And it wasn't traditional MUSLIM dress, it was traditional AFRICAN dress of the AFRICAN country he was in.

"Obama visits a mosque"

Normally I'd say "big deal, I've visited mosques, Jewish temples, Catholic and other churches."  But if memory serves, that particular mosque is an historic site.  And if you notice, he was paying close attention to the layout, the architectural features; he was not there for worship.

"Obama sides with Islam"

No, he does not.  He only states, and I quote, "America is not, and never will be, at war with Islam."  He was correct.  We are not at war with Islam.  We ARE at war, if you can actually call it that, with terrorism.  And the Islamists involved in terrorism are miniscule compared to the number of Muslims in the world. We're probably in more danger from home-grown terrorists than any other; just look at the freaking school shooting and the police actions against the Occupy movement and other individuals for proof of that.

"I am one of them"

Gee, I heard him say "Thank you" followed by something in Arabic.  Since I don't speak Arabic, I don't know what he said.  But I'd be willing to lay odds on it being a form of salutation such as "goodbye" or something along those lines.

All in all, I find this video to be nothing more than rabble-rousing the uneducated masses who don'y understand how the world works.  I'ts sensationalism at its' worst, twisting things around to try to make Obama look like the worst preseident ever, when that is the furthest from the truth I've ever seen or heard.

Oh, and one other thing, that last point I promised, the icing on the cake?   It doesn't matter to me at all what his religious beliefs are. For all I care, he could be an atheist or even a satanist. The Constitution states quite clearly that there shall be NO RELIGIOUS TEST for the office of the Presidency.


© 2013 Donald C. Rice Jr.

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