Sunday, September 29, 2013

They can't back it up!

Here is an interesting and informative example of the mind of a neo-conservative, a conversation that I was party to very briefly.

The Conservative Hammer:
 If your life - in or out of politics - isn't grounded in the historical morality of the Bible, then you will become corrupt -- and this is EXACTLY what our politicians have become in the good ol' secular US of A
Don Rice:
 If you're consulting the alleged "historical morality" of the Bible, please tell us what is moral about the passages in Deuteronomy and Leviticus telling us to torture and kill our loved ones. And compare those passages to the Christ teachings on love, fair treatment, compassion and forgiveness of our fellow human beings.

The Conservative Hammer:
Don, you do not understand the Old Testament in historical context with the New Testament and God's wrath upon the idolators of ancient Israel prior to the advent of Christ, which cleansed believers of sin and ushered in a New Covenant based on Grace and not law.

The Conservative Hammer:
But thanks for cherry-picking the liberal's favorite scriptures... Well done.

I commented that "What you call "the liberal's favorite scriptures" is the Christ teachings."  I also suggested that if he/she doesn't accept this, then perhaps he/she needs to rethink the claim to be a follower of Christ.

I made a couple further comments. One stated that this person's claim that I can't use OT examples to oppose his/her position was not consistent with his own use of OT excerpts to bolster his/her position.  I stated that "...either the OT is valid to this discussion or it isn't.  You cant have it both ways."

The other politely asked him/her to not tell me I didn't understand the material, because he/she doesn't know me and doesn't know what I may or may not have studied.

When I came back later, I found my last three comments had been deleted.  So I wrote another comment:

"Fascinating. Like a typical neoconservative, rather than address the very valid statements I made concerning your position, you deleted my comments. And here I thought I might have actually found someone who resembles a real conservative who wasn't afraid of debate when facts may be inconvenient to your position. I guess I was wrong in my estimation."

When I tried to post it, I discovered that I had been blocked.

This happens often with people who put themselves forward as conservative intellectuals.  When they encounter opposition based on facts rather than supporting their beliefs, the run and hide.  And make no mistake, that is exactly what happened here.

I have no remedy for that frame of mentality.  I can only hope that such hypocrisy dies a swift death, so that we may get on with the task of improving life in these United States.

 © 2013 Donald C. Rice Jr.

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