My journey is going great, as I learn new insights and adapt my life to this new understanding. I must say that, since my early 20's, I'd thought that churches were just a beginning on the path of higher awareness. Now, I know that even that is a generous asssessment. The real journey begins when we start on an honest, unbiased quest for Truth. The man we call "Jesus of Nazareth" said, "Does not your Law say, I said, You are Gods?" He also said, "Marvel not at what what I have done. What I have done, you also shall do, and greater things shall you do."
The question, of course, is "How?" How does one actually DO what Jesus did, and greater? How does one become God?
Jesus also said, "Know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." He didn't say, "Have faith in the Truth" or Believe in the Truth." He said "Know the Truth." So how does one know? Seeking to answer that question is the beginning of knowledge.
In my life, I've learned that we don't really KNOW something until we DO something. So how do we DO Truth? By LIVING it, by incorporating it into our daily lives. If we don't live our truth, and act on it, we are living a lie; our LIFE is a lie. So we need to CHANGE the way we live. And we start by recognizing that when God, or the Universe, or whatever label we choose to give that Great Intelligence, created everything, He put Himself into all of creation. Therefore, all of Creation contains God; we truly are ALL ONE. And we need to respect that oneness.
Didn't Jesus say, "As you do to the least of these, so you do to me."? And when he said, "I am the Way, te Truth, the Light; no man comes to the Father but by me," wasn't he saying, "Do as I have done; live as I have lived. Lay down your life and follow me." He wasn't saying to live an itinerant life of poverty, but to do everything we put our hands and minds to with LOVE. And the love here is a pure love of all of creation, recognizing still that we are all one. As you do to your neighbor, you do to Jesus. And to me. And especially to yourself. So change how you live, change how you love. Change yourself. Live your truth. BE your truth. And it will eventually lead you to Truth.
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